Pump Up Your Own Productivity
Performance Expert Steven Kotler’s new book “The Art of Impossible” is on my reading list. 60’s classics – resilience, grit and resetting greater goals are given another airing – because they are even more important in our challenging VUCA world.
And his three point Personal Productivity tips are exactly what we’ve been advising / coaching throughout this Pandemic period.
Catch Some Quality ZZZ’s
Along with good nutrition, hydration and daily exercise, the human body needs seven – eight hours of restful sleep per night to perform at peak levels.
Make Connections
Social support is critical, especially in the current times of less face-to-face contact. Actively seek out meaningful conversations with loved ones.
Manage Anxiety Levels
A five minute gratitude practice, meditation session or a simple workout are all tools that can help calm the mind and control the nervous system.
Live Life Slow!