What are you watching?
March 8, 2023

Am watching plenty of action, crime, and blood n murder.
- Series II of Braqueurs… riveting, violent, all action, gritty, raw… with surprisingly engaging dialogue and characters. Netflix.
- Fauda – series 4 – first new series since 2020… Doron and the Israeli Defence Forces in action… the most watched series in Lebanon and Israel, and Top Ten in 21 countries…. based on the writer’s real life experiences… and wow what an ending to episode 12! Another from Netflix.
- A couple of goodies from Apple… Liaison – cyber-attacks, spies and relationships, and Echo 3 – guerrillas, kidnapping, CIA, South American jungles… what more do you need to pass a rainy London weekend.
Yellowstone season 5 and 1923 – of course – Apple and Paramount. - The Pans Murders (Profilage) on Amazon Prime easy on the eye and the mind – light criminology.
Escape – Escape!