November 11, 2017
Winning In A Crazy World – PBS Business School Alumni
Great to be back at PBS… Portugal’s economy is on a roll, and I love Porto! In 2017 Portugal is...

September 7, 2017
Taking Leadership to the Next Level – YPO Australia
MANAGEMENT & LEADERSHIP DEFINITIONS & RAP Imperatives are to: Lead and inspire–energizing your teams Communicate & connect–sharing your story Grow...

March 10, 2017
Leadership From A Different Perspective – London Leadership Summit
We live in a VUCA world. Volatile Uncertain Complex Ambiguous Brexit, Trump and Putin are delivering the perfect VUCA storm....

February 2, 2016
Leading for Tomorrow and Beyond – Porto
I’m going to talk about the future of leadership, the defining difference between success and failure. Leadership hasn’t changed much...

October 5, 2015
&THEN DMA Conference – Boston (Video)
“Big Data, Meet Big Love” We live in a Connected World. We live in a Connected World. A world where...

September 8, 2015
Creative Leadership – Berkeley Uni MBAs
Creative Leadership: A Supercharged Approach To Success In Today’s Turbulent Environments Leading a business is about winning, and winning has got...

July 20, 2015
Irresistible in a High-Speed World – Local Government NZ Conference
Telling our story and selling the value of our sector Two things are clear from the video you showed at...

September 11, 2014
Winning in the Age of Now – ESOMAR
I don’t usually get asked back… but 12 years… In 2002, your Congress was subtitled ‘from research to customer insight,’...

May 19, 2014
Creative Leadership – WOBI
The Times They Are a-Changin’, so says Bob Dylan. VUCA WORLD: Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous SUPERVUCA WORLD: Vibrant, Unreal, Crazy,...

November 5, 2013
World Business Forum – Milan
I’m going to talk about the future of business, which raises an obvious question: what is business for? Some say...