I’m Still Standing
A six-week road trip from our Desert Dream retreat – solo and then with Trudy. Round the World and back twice as fast as Phileas Fogg!
Qantas from LA to Melbourne – great to hear Anzac voices and humour again – memories flooding back from my GTA episodes (KRC September 5 2022 and February 25 2020), and catch up with good friend Damien at AIA for three days of Leadership stuff with his core leaders.
Then a great day with Jamie from Coordinate and Kate and Duncan Skipper as we moved into the Revive phase and cooked up a recipe for a great, fun new company – which will emerge into the spotlight early next year. Super Curious?
From Melbourne I finally returned ‘home’ to Auckland for four days of Family (daughter, son, sister, grandchildren) and friends at our new Tamaki Drive seaside apartment opposite Rangitoto. Inspirational. Son-in-law Heath found me a new bike – a wonderful Sirrus X and I enjoyed the seaside run from Kohi to Auckland and back every morning, the best possible way to re-orient back into the New Zealand open air. Tilly Plum made my weekend by coming over for a grandad/granddaughter sleepover and then a trip to her School on Monday morning to meet her friends and teachers. A happy girl in a happy place.
A 30 hour hike then to other Kiwis – in Dublin for Sean Fitzpatrick’s beautiful daughter Grace’s wedding to long-time beau Alex. The Shelbourne, Trinity College, Kiwis and Poms (plus one American – Trudy). A marvellous, memorable weekend, full of love and friendship. (Trudy’s first trip to Ireland – we’ll be back.)
On to Grasmere – Beckwood, for a week with eight ISDIN leaders (Spain’s leading sunscreen/skincare company) from Barcelona, working through Peak Performance – complete with a big Thursday night dinner / dance party in The Lancastrian and The Snug. A happy night in a happy week.
Woke up on Saturday with a swollen left leg. Thought nothing of it and got into the Defender for Steve to take us on a 5½ hour drive to London. Couldn’t walk when I arrived. Trudy recognised it – the return of the dreaded Cellulitis. A reaction on the left leg to a bacteria which has somehow penetrated the bloodstream. Very painful, very swollen, very red. Trudy and Kettner’s (the Soho House we were staying in, in London) worked wonders and got me to a doctor and a pharmacy. Antibiotics – but the flight to Vegas (10hrs) was a secret we didn’t share. Antibiotics not working – saw a great Doctor in Vegas – drove me to a private A&E – intravenous antibiotics, new prescription of stronger medicine and hobbled in to two hours of Rod Stewart’s Greatest Hits show.
On to Turkey – Amanruya – leg keeping me out of the gym and now a bloody head cold. Three days in Paradise – but health at 30% so a struggle. On to more Aman junkie joy at our favourite, Amanzoe in the Peloponnese. Leg improving but cold a shocker. The gamut of cascading nostril waterfall, to cough, to congestion, to headache, to no sleep. Misery in Paradise.
Trudy to Arizona.
The patient to Grasmere. Two days Zooming. Then Hallelujah! Leg cleared after nine days. Cold clearing – took 10 days eventually.
Porto with Sogrape – friends – almost family now. Dinner with Fernando and Francisco, then a Masterclass – to Bilbao and Logroño, capital of La Rioja.
Two days of sunshine in Wine Country – great people – the journey to create a world of LANlovers (the Rioja brand) begins.
And tomorrow – Arizona.
Homeward Bound!