
Showers over Windermere from Holbeck Lane near Troutbeck.

Happy New Year (2)

October 29, 2024

In the spirit of my October 1st post, here are my six New Year requests to world leaders.

  1. Elect Purpose-driven, pragmatic, steady, caring, consensus building political leaders – not big-talking / quick fix / big picture / power obsessed merchants.
  2. Find Purpose-driven, young leaders for the US and the UK.
  3. Transform Finance policy to tax wealth, not income.
  4. Transform Health Care systems to pay proper attention to mental as well as physical health.
  5. Time for a new era of workers’ rights.  We must ensure we respect, recognise and reward our underpaid, underappreciated front-line and ‘essential’ workers.
  6. And please – provide a quiet decade of Peace, Prosperity and Harmony.


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