Fail Fast, Learn Fast, Fix Fast

Spoke at two great Unfiltered Live events in Auckland and Christchurch last week. Great speakers, great format – 20 minutes on three mistakes, the three learnings and the fixes. Uplifting fun with great advice.
And a great number of mistakes (and learnings!) to choose from. Rather than go over these, here are the pieces of advice I left the audience with.
1) – Don’t take a knife to a gun-fight.
– Adapt. Improvise. Overcome.
– Work harder, smarter, longer.
2) – Put all your eggs in one basket, and watch that basket.
– Focus. Commitment. Discipline.
– Be obsessed, or Be Average.
3) – Invest in fierce, powerful Financial capability.
– Managers are just as important as leaders.
– Stars in your eyes, finger on the pulse, feet on the ground.
PS: And yet another failing – as I jumped (athletically, or so I thought) on to the stage, my Achilles went ‘Pop’ and a burning pain shot up my leg. I limped through the preso and rushed straight to see George Duncan, All Black muscle/tissue specialist and Dr Marcus Stone – my doctor for 30 years. Sent for a scan by the two Wise Men. The good news – no tear, no rupture, no moonboot, no cast. The bad news – acute tendonitis, six months no exercise, anti-inflammatories, ice, compression bandages, and limping. Cycling an option ‘soon’, but no up-hill. Doctor’s advice (Fix Fast!!) – ‘If it hurts, stop’.