Executional Excellence in Arizona

Post Covid we have seen a never-ending decline in operating standards and executional excellence. The excuses are numerous – the infamous supply chain problems, lack of qualified staff, poor working from home disciplines, inflation, the Ukraine, etc etc.
In Arizona we are very lucky. The Governor and the people have decided not to participate in this productivity /declining standards malaise. I saw this at first hand last weekend.
First of all at the Café Monarch, probably the most beautiful, romantic restaurant in Arizona. The owners have invested in training and top-class people and our whole experience was magical. From reception, to the bar, to the in-house staff and the sommeliers. Everything was tiptop, responsive and proactive. We had the perfect night.
Monday morning – a visit to the Mayo Clinic for some tests. This was our second visit, and we were astonished at the operating efficiency, the friendliness, the welcome and the all-round commitment to serving and delighting patients.
It was such a relief to feel that in some places the way they do anything is still the way they do everything.
Hats off to the crew at Café Monarch and the Mayo Clinic and their passionate pursuit of perfection.