Everything Starts With Purpose
I’ve been writing about Purpose at the Organisational level and at the Personal level for 20 years now.
Recently we’ve completed work for the biggest sunscreen company in Spain, a brilliant boutique agency in Singapore, an innovative Italian/American tech company, a UK digital healthcare fund, a couple of fast-moving, well-funded start-ups, a well-established grocery retail chain and a leading global content producer and streaming platform.
We’ve also worked one-on-one developing Personal Purposes for personalities as diverse as a former world champion All Black rugby legend, a soon to retire professional soccer player, a senior Diversity/Inclusion creative leader, a couple of young founders in the creative industries, an Innovation head and several others.
Coming out of this post Pandemic world into a VUCAA world of challenge, change and opportunity has never been a better moment to review your own Personal Purpose and establish a new foundation for growth over the rapidly changing times that are ahead of all of us.
- Who are you now?
- What do you believe?
- When are you at your best?
- What will you never do?
- What is your Inspirational Dream?
- What is your very essence? (Your One Word Equity)
- What is your Purpose in life? (On one page)
Here’s mine: