A Letter To Myself

Am working on 2025 strategies with several CEO’s and Leadership teams and I’m convinced it will be an even more challenging year than when we were in the middle of the Covid crisis – five years ago.
Here’s a letter I wrote to myself on January 1, 2021. The six notes I made to myself all resonate today – substitute the economy for Covid and I plan to continue to follow my own advice from four years ago. It still feels right to me. Perhaps it resonates with you too?
A Letter To Myself
I’m isolating in the US and working with leaders every day in the US, Canada, the UK, New Zealand, Australia, Singapore, Lebanon, Dubai and Europe.
On one hand, we are all at different stages of the Grief Cycle, in the midst of differing (and highly volatile) Government policies and facing different political and social pressures.
On the other hand we are all facing the same things; a global pandemic, growing Mental Health issues as we suffer from being disconnected and isolated, a major Recession, critically high levels of unemployment and a shared experience of traumatic losses.
As we enter 2021 – here are some things I must remind myself of.
1. Keep on being kind.
We’re all weathering the same storm, but we’ve been in very different boats. Some people won’t be able to unpack what’s happened until it feels over and safe. Others have experienced traumatic experiences – bereavement, domestic violence, job loss, financial pressure – and will still be processing their experience. They will not be at their best. So, be caring, be kind, be generous and be patient.
2. Emotions are raw and close to the surface.
What are you feeling? How are you feeling? Let it out. Don’t hide it at the back of your brain. Talk to a friend, talk to your partner, write it down. Once you know how you’re feeling, and why – you’ll be able to deal with it.
3. Focus on what’s good in your world.
Be grateful for what you’ve got, not what you’ve not. Don’t worry about the next five months. Count down to September 1. Count down to a vaccination. Count down to making 2021 your best year ever. And start working now on making 2021 happen.
4. Have a Positive Attitude.
This is a habit, not a learned skill. So don’t cop out. Perpetual Optimism is a Force Multiplier – be an Optimism Super-Spreader. And then do the hard yards to make it happen. Focus – Commitment – Discipline.
5. Listen to People and Listen Hard.
We haven’t seen our Family and Friends for too long. How have they been doing? What’s been good? What have they learned? What are they looking forward to in 2021? Seek to understand before you seek to be understood.
6. Remember Ruth Robertson’s STRONG Resilience Model and team it with what you’ve learned.
- Strengthen your personal relationships – they’ve been shaken this year.
- Reset and recharge – Live Life Slow, exercise the five senses, Sleep!
- Take care of yourself – Make Happy Choices.
- Look Forward – Stretch yourself, learn new skills, listen to new music, build on your existing strengths, Imagine – Invent – Innovate.
- If it’s harming you, stop it.
- Be Demanding (of yourself) – The way you do Anything, is the way you do Everything.
Note to Self – Act Now! Put the Resilience Overview on the fridge.

January 1, 2021.